Thursday, 4 August 2011

In The Spotlight - Michael McMullan (Carn Wheelers)

A few years ago I bought a bike, basically for a bit of exercise.  After a bit of encouragement from Pat Purvis I joing Carn Wheelers.  A great club, where I have met loads of great people.

I never knew how seriously I would actually take to the cycling, but when I realised it was a great way to lose weight and keep it off, I stuck at it.

Now I have entered quite a few races, time trials and sportives and love it.  I won one of them, but have since moved up a group and am now just the man who does the donkey work for everyone else.  Great way of getting fit though.

Michael McMullan

Age: 34

Occupation: IT Technician 

Favourite Food: Chicken Curry and Cous Cous

Favourite Drink: Buzzer's Guinness

Favourite Music: Saw Doctors

Three people you would invite to a dinner party: Dara O’Brian, Morgan Freeman and Thomas Voeckler

How many years cycling: 

Bikes used: Cube Agree GTC SL, Trek 1000 Discovery Channel, Specialised Hard Rock Mountain Bike

Favourite cycling Food: Snickers Flapjack

Best thing about cycling: The flat open road

Worst thing about cycling: Cleaning bikes

Tip for beginners: No substitute for doing miles

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